
The BIG Picture

Its been a rough week...

How often have I heard this statement? - Tons of times
How often have I said it? - Tons of times
Who do I hear it from? - Tons of people

So apparently lots and lots of people have been having a rough week.
Why is this?

Well for me, my week felt really rough because I put in a lot of hours working for "The Man"
On top of the hours I had a confrontation with "The Man"
This is where it gets complicated because I actually feel like I have three bosses. For the sake of keeping it simple "The Man" in this instance is my direct boss.
By the way I loathe my boss. I do everything I can to avoid him. If I walk into the bathroom and he is in there I will try to leave before he sees me and come back later. When I leave work I always have to wait for the elevator, and this is dangerous because he might pass by and see me. So I take the stairs down a level and catch the elevator there. Sneaky and lame. I know.
So this week I had the pleasure of meeting with him one on one for two whole hours. It was excruciating! I don't want to go into all the details. Lets just say that upon leaving the meeting I updated my resume and activated it on several job sites.

So was it a rough week? I suppose this is probably normal for a lot of people. Change the names, the titles the jobs the duties around and its the same.

My wife could probably say the same thing. For instance she walked into her home office one morning and found this.

The shelves jumped off the wall during the night literally! - the real scary part here is that we somehow slept through the noise. 
The point is, she had not one but two major projects handed to her without any prior notice. She had to reschedule and find more time to accommodate this. So she could easily whine and complain about how "The Man" whoever that is in this instance, gave her a bunch of extra work and ruined all her plans. I didn't hear her complain though. All I heard about was how she was able to get rid of a bunch of garbage, and is looking forward to the second project of scanning millions of pictures and moving to a paperless lifestyle to get rid of the clutter. Oh and I owe her some new shelves properly anchored into the studs this time. 

So maybe I need to back down off of my ledge. My resume is updated and that's always good. Maybe there is a better job out there. But chances are that better job will have a similar boss with totally unrealistic expectations that pushes all my buttons for fun and enjoyment. Its not quite time to Drop the mic and walk off the stage people. Its Friday and its a three day weekend. Tuesday will be rough for all of us. 

Have a great weekend everyone, and don't forget to look at the big picture.

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